O – Pregnancy

Mama Daddy We had been engaged for a little under a year and decided we wanted to start trying to get pregnant. Our wedding was going to be in June so we decided that we would start 3 months before then. The thinking was: it would probably take a little bit to get pregnant but […]
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Mothering Without My Mother

Today is my mothers birthday. February 24th. I love my mother so much. She gave me so much wonderful knowledge and good values in life. Sure we had our disagreements and issues but what mother and daughter doesn’t. In this entry I want to talk about some memories of my mom that helped shape who […]
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Disclaimer? First things first: Don’t listen to anything we say. Or anyone else for that matter. As a parent, YOU have to decide what is best for your kids. So that means: don’t let anyone intrude with their dumb opinions about what is best for your kids. Your parents, your friends, your colleagues, even the […]
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